Las Vacas Gordas Menu and Prices 2025


Are you waiting for your food and do not know what to eat, then we have brought menus of all the US restaurants through which you can see the menu of the food from anywhere and know their price.

If any guests are coming to your house and are not in the mood to cook, you can order food from the restaurants. All hotels, restaurants in the US, UK are available on our website, through which you can see any restaurant's menu. Wherever you are, open the home office or anywhere at just one click. Open and order your food by looking at the menu.

There are 200+ food items available in the Las Vacas Gordas restaurant/hotel, whose names have been given along with their price so that you can make it easy to order.

The Las Vacas Gordas's menu food list has been given to, and if you want to know what is the latest price of Las Vacas Gordas, you have come to the right place.

You must know about the latest food price like a burger, salad, soup, chicken, beverages, and many more.

We provided a price for a cinnabar breakfast, a cinnabar menu, a catering menu that you can suggest in the table below before heading to your restaurant or ordering online.

Las Vacas Gordas Entradas Y Ensaladas, Cocina, Sandwiches, Pastas, Parrilla, Acompanantes, Menu and Prices

Cocina Las Vacas Gordas Menu 2025

Milanesa Napolitana$22.99neapolitan breaded chicken with tomato sauce, mozzarella cheese and ham
Milanesa$18.99breaded chicken
Milanesa A Caballo$20.99breaded chicken with two fried eggs

Parrilla Las Vacas Gordas Menu 2025

From The Grill
Grill For 1 Person$23.99sausage blood sausage, entrails sweetbread and a few different grilled meats
Parrillada Para 2$39.99grill for 2 persons
Pincho De Camarones$22.99delicioso
Vacio$22.99flap meat lover
Morron A La Parrilla$4.99grilled red peppers (delicious)
Berenjenas Parrilla$7.99espectacular
Finito Vacas Gordas$22.99
Vacachicha$9.99thin rolled sausage like
Bife De Chorizo$22.99new york steak over
Filet Mignon$36.99
Pechuga De Pollo Deshuesada$18.99boneless chicken breast, delicia total
Colita De Cuadril$22.99tri tip lover
Enrollada$22.99the rolled one over
Provoleta$12.99grilled provolone cheese, delicious the best from argentina
Pincho De Jalapenos$4.99hot peppers brochette
Morcilla$3.99blood sausage
Asado De Tira (Deshuesada)$22.99(short ribs)
Parrillada Para 1 chorizo, morcilla, molleja, chinculines y cortes de diferentes carnes
Cebolla A La Parrilla$3.99grilled onions

Acompanantes Las Vacas Gordas Menu 2025

Papas Fritas Provenzal$6.99
Pure De Papas$4.99mashed potatoes
Tortilla De Papas$7.99
Cebolla A La Parrilla$3.99grilled onion
Arroz Blanco$2.50white rice
Papas Fritas$4.99french fries
Tomate Con Oregano$4.99tomato with oregano
Vegetales Combinados$9.99vegetables plate: spinach, cauliflower, broccoli, carrots
Morron A La Parrilla$4.99grilled red pepper (delicious)
Espinaca Salteada$6.99spinach saute
Pincho De Jalapenos$4.99hot peppers brochette

Sandwiches Las Vacas Gordas Menu 2025

Entrana$10.95skit steak
Milanesa$11.95breaded chicken
Vacio$9.95flap meat
Colita De Cuadril$9.95tri tip
Morcilla$5.95blood sausage
Molleja$9.95sweet breads

Pastas Las Vacas Gordas Menu 2025

Ravioles De Espinaca$14.99
Ravioles De Carne Delicious$14.99
Gnocchi Caseros$13.99solo los 29 de cada mes

Entradas Y Ensaladas Las Vacas Gordas Menu 2025

Appetizers & Salads
Matamere Con Rusa$12.99rolled veal with spinach, carrots and hard boiled eggs with russian salad
Tomates Rellenos$6.99stuffed tomatoes
Rusa$4.99russian salad (potatoes, carrots, peas with mayonnaise)
Jamon Con Melon$12.99prosciutto with melon
Empanadas$2.49(carne, pollo, espinaca) small pie stuffed with meat, chicken or spinach
Mejillones A La Provençal$12.99mussels provencal
Provoleta$12.99grilled provolone cheese (delicious)
Langostinos Con Salsa Golf$12.99broiled shrimp with pink sauce (cold)
Palmitos Con Salsa Golf$9.99hearts of palm with pink sauce
Remolacha$4.99boots and broiled egg
Jamon Crudo Con Rusa$9.99prosciutto with russian salad
Mejillones A La Vinagreta$9.99vinaigrette mussels (delicious)
Jamon Serrano Con Rusa$12.99
Mixta$4.99lettuce, tomatoes and onions
Zanahoria$4.99carrots and broiled egg
Especial Las Vacas Gordas$10.99special of the house