Cafe Thanh Truc Menu and Prices 2025


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There are 200+ food items available in the Cafe Thanh Truc restaurant/hotel, whose names have been given along with their price so that you can make it easy to order.

The Cafe Thanh Truc's menu food list has been given to, and if you want to know what is the latest price of Cafe Thanh Truc, you have come to the right place.

You must know about the latest food price like a burger, salad, soup, chicken, beverages, and many more.

We provided a price for a cinnabar breakfast, a cinnabar menu, a catering menu that you can suggest in the table below before heading to your restaurant or ordering online.

Cafe Thanh Truc Appetizers, Rice & Egg Noodle Soup, Hoagies, Rice Vermicelli, Broken Rice, Beef Noodle Soup, Congee, Drinks, Menu and Prices

Rice & Egg Noodle Soup Cafe Thanh Truc Menu 2025

Wonton Soup$9.00
Rice & Egg Noodle Soup with Seafood$9.00
Phonom Penh Style Rice & Egg Noodle Soup with Dark Chicken$9.00
Phonom Penh Style Rice & Egg Noodle Soup with Wonton$9.00
Thick Rice Noodle Soup with Pork Feet$9.00
Phonom Penh Style Rice & Egg Noodle Soup$9.00Egg noodles soup with pork, liver, heart minced pork & shrimp
Vietnamese Rice Noodle in Coconut Cream$9.00
Phonom Penh Style Rice & Egg Noodle Soup with Soup on the Side$9.00
Thick Rice Noodle Soup with Shrimp & Pork$9.00
Rice & Egg Noodle Soup with Shrimp & Pork$9.00
Phonom Penh Style Rice & Egg Noodle Soup with Beef Stew$9.00
Vietanamese Rice Noodle in Coconut Cream with Meat Ball$9.00

Beef Noodle Soup Cafe Thanh Truc Menu 2025

Steak Pho$8.50
Flank Pho$9.00
Pho with Fresh Chicken$9.00
Ribeye Rare Steak Pho$9.00
Special Combo$10.00Rare beef, flank, tendon, meat balls
Meat Balls Soup$9.00
Meat Ball Pho$8.50
Flank with Meat Balls Pho$9.00
Steak and Tendon Pho$8.50
Steak and Flank Pho$8.50
Steak and Meat Ball Pho$8.50

Congee Cafe Thanh Truc Menu 2025

Minced Pork Congee$9.00
Minced Beef Congee$9.00
Pork Organs Congee$9.00
Fish Congee$9.00
Chicken Congee$9.00

Rice Vermicelli Cafe Thanh Truc Menu 2025

Rice Vermicelli with Grilled Pork$9.00Egg rolls, vegetable and fish sauce
Rice Vermicelli Served with Tomato Broth and Topped with Crab Paste$9.00
Rice Vermicelli with Egg Rolls$7.00Vegetable and fish sauce
Combination of Shredded Pork Skin$10.00Grilled pork, egg rolls, vegetables and fish sauce
Rice Vermicelli with Grilled Pork$9.00Vegetables and fish sauce
Rice Vermicelli Soup with Chicken and Bamboo Sprout$9.00
Spicy Beef Rice Vermicelli Soup$9.00
Rice Vermicelli with Shredded Pork Skin$9.00Egg rolls, vegetable and fish sauce
Spicy Vegetarian Rice Vermicelli Soup$9.00

Appetizers Cafe Thanh Truc Menu 2025

Shredded Pork Rolls$3.50
Grilled Chicken Rolls$4.50
Summer Rolls$3.50Shrimp or shrimp & pork
BBQ Pork Rolls$4.50
Fresh Steamed Chicken (Half)$15.00
Vegetarian & Tofu Rolls$4.00

Hoagies Cafe Thanh Truc Menu 2025

Sardine Fish$5.00
Meat Ball$5.00
Italian Sausages$7.00
Pork and Pork Skin Shredded$5.00
Grilled Chicken$5.00
BBQ Pork$5.00
Omelette & Meat Ball and Pork Roll$5.00
Beef Stewed$5.00
Cod Cut Pork Rolls$4.50Buy 5 get 1 free

Drinks Cafe Thanh Truc Menu 2025

Pennyworth Drink$3.00
Fresh Coconut Drink$3.50
HOt Vietnamese Coffee with Condensed Milk$3.50
Soy Bean Drink$1.50
Iced Vietnamese Dark Roasted$3.50Acabia coffeee with condensed milk
Iced Vietnamese Dark Roasted Coffee$3.50
Iced Fresh Lime Juice$3.50
Hot Vietanamese Dark Roasted Coffee$3.00

Broken Rice Cafe Thanh Truc Menu 2025

Broken Rice with Steamed Egg Meatloaf & Shredded Pork Skin$8.00
Speical Combo$10.00Pork chop, omelete, steamed ewgg meatloaf & shredded pork skin
Broken Rice with Pork Chop$9.00Steamed egg meatloaf & shredded pork skin
Broken Rice with Grilled Pork$9.00
Broken Rice with Shredded Pork Skin & Omelette$8.00
Hainam Chicken with Rice$9.00
Broken Rice with Grilled Pork$9.00Steamed egg meatloaf & shredded pork skin
Broken Rice with Pork Chop$10.00
Special Combo$9.00Grilled pork, omelette, steamed egg meatloaf & shredded pork skin
Broken Rice with Pork Chop & Shredded Pork Skin$9.00